Shibashi Tai Chi Instructor and Bowen Practitioner

Shibashi Tai Chi
Shibashi Tai Chi consists of 18 gentle, flowing Qigong movements. The rhythmic movements, combined with the breath make it a joy to learn. It is suitable for people of all ages and can be practised sitting or standing.
The Bowen Technique is a holistic, non-invasive, remedial body technique that works on the soft connective tissue of the body known as (fascia).
Tai Chi Bang
The Yin and Yang of Combat Although often considered a yoga-like exercise, tai chi blends soft, flowing yin strength with hard, fast, yang power to become an effect fighting art

Shibashi Tai Chi
My Live Tai Chi classes are held on a Tuesday at Allerford Village Hall at 3pm and Thursday at The Quaker Meeting House at 10am. On Monday 11th July I'm starting a new class at Sampford Brett Village Hall at 3pm.
On Wednesday and Friday mornings I still teach on-line Classes via Skype from 10.30am until 11.45am.
The classes are paid for in a block of 6 at £8 a class (so £48). However, my new class at Sampford Brett will be £9 a class (£54) to help with my petrol expenses.
If you are interested in joining any of my classes, please give me a call on 07596 175973 or email
Tai Chi is a wonderful way of supporting your mental wellbeing, being a gentle method of exercise, enabling you to destress your mind, boost your immune system, maintain strength and flexibility in all your muscles and joints and connecting you mind to your breath. All this by simply breathing slowly and deeply, whilst doing 18 easy Tai Chi moves.
Please do not hesitate to contact me to discuss the best way forward on 07596 175973 or email

Bowen Technique
£50 for the first treatment and £45 thereafter. I initially recommend between 1- 3 consecutive visits as Bowen is a progressive treatment that allows the body time to get to the 'cause' of the symptom, followed by maintenance treatments every 6-8 weeks or to suit your needs to keep on top of the condition.

Tai Chi Bang
There are 13 principle techniques common to all Tai Chi styles. They are broken down into 8 hand movements and 5 directions of footwork.
Tai Chi Bang consists of 19 movements, broken down into 9 Principles.
4 Hand movements and 5 feet movements.
The 4 Hand Movements are: -
1. Ward Off left and Ward off right
2. Roll back i.e. Repulse Monkey
3. Press Hands i.e Go with the Flow
4. Push Hands i.e Pouncing Tiger
The Five directions of foot work are: -
1. Central Equilibrium i.e. Playing the Flute in Horse Riding stance
2. Step left and Step right i.e. Brushing the Knee
3. Front or forward walking i.e. go with the flow
5. Back or backward walking i.e. Repulse Monkey.